No bolting on. Baked in from the get go

Reap the benefits of secure by design throughout your software development lifecycle, thanks to IriusRisk Threat Modeling. 

Secure by design vs fixing in production.

50% of software vulnerabilities are flaws at the design stage. It is 100x more expensive to fix these flaws in production. IriusRisk is here to solve that...

Automate and integrate. Your way.
Integrate with what you’ve already got. Import, export, or use bi-directional workflows.
Cloud Security.
From the ground up.
AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and more. And it's evolving every month.
Short on time?
Just add code.
Generate a threat model from an IaC descriptor, such as Lucidchart, or AWS CloudFormation.

The future of threat modeling is here.

Groundbreaking enhancements and improvements in the biggest and best ever product development to date. Want to learn more? Of course you do. See how you can increase velocity and scale with our threat modeling tool today.

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How threat modeling brings advantages across the SDLC

Plan - Dev and Sec Teams

Speed and efficiency 
Decide what actions to take based upon the threat modeling findings.

Build - Dev Teams

Smarter development 
Identify potential flaws - even before code is written.

Integration - Dev Teams

Automate further
Integrate into existing CI/CD tools, issue trackers and scanning software.

Deploy & operate - DevSecOps Teams

Secure by design
Increased confidence in deployment and reliability of code.

Continuous feedback - QA / Test Teams

Pen test only what matters 
We provide the plan for focused and efficient testing.

From Meeting to Mitigation in minutes

The seamless integration of AI technology into the threat modeling process. Starting with a simple meeting where developers discuss their projects, the process unfolds swiftly. After obtaining the conversation transcript, it's time to engage Jeff, IriusRisk's generative AI bot. With the transcript in hand, Jeff works his magic and produces a comprehensive threat model.

The biggest business benefits from our engagement with IriusRisk, particularly from a senior leadership perspective, have been the overall security improvements.

The value is twofold: first, the direct improvements to products through threat modeling, but also the knowledge gained by product teams in the process. The product teams are considering security much earlier in the design process.

Wolfgang Hausner, Expert Security Manager, Raiffeisen Bank International

Build secure design

Code better, faster, stronger. 

In minutes, users can craft a robust threat model, pinpointing risks and giving you tailored countermeasures. Instantly see your vulnerabilities, spot compliance gaps, integrate with existing tools, and collaborate across teams.

Say adíos to deployment delays and accelerate your time-to-production. Are you ready to automate your software design and threat modeling efforts? Start right, and shift your security left.

You’ve got this.

Supply Chain Management 

Effectively manage your risk posture - even elusive third-party boundaries.

Software supply chains are like any relationship, complicated. Responsibilities can be fragmented. Enter automated threat modeling to get a clear view of your whole architecture.

Create trust zones for where your remit ends and your third-party remit begins. Scope out future partnerships and software to identify unforeseen vulnerabilities.

Industry standards and frameworks

Become a Compliance Champion. With ease and built-in expertise. 

Our knowledge-base is built in to give you guidance, and frameworks on best practices.

If you need to comply with standards such as PCI DSS, NIST, GDPR or others, these can be applied to your threat model. Countermeasures will switch from recommended to required, to ensure your security controls are aligned.