IriusRisk Community

Get your free lifetime subscription to IriusRisk Community Edition - zero commitment access to Threat Modeling tools and libraries.

Now including THREE free threat models (easy for you to say).

What is the Community edition and what do I get with it?

If you’re brand new to threat modeling processes and tools or are already a threat modeling expert, why not try out our free Community Edition - no strings attached! Quickly and easily architect an application using our integration and understand potential security threats and countermeasures in one simple, easy-to-use interface.

If you’re already familiar with threat modeling and work in Architecture, DevOps or Security teams, try our freemium version and quickly learn how it can help you to scale threat modeling within your organization through powerful insights.

Community Version Benefits

Free lifetime subscription
3 threat models
Export Threats & Countermeasures as XLS
Export threat models as XML
Architectural diagramming with
Limited technical and compliance reports
Receive free community updates
Access to regular Ask Me Anything Sessions

Building a Threat Model is easy with our product guidance

Community Edition now includes short videos at each step of creating your first project, which you can view, skip, or revisit as needed. From adding trust zones, to including metadata across components and dataflows. We’ve got you covered in your threat modeling journey. Get immediate access today and create up to three threat models.

The Four Question Framework for Threat Modeling 

We like to start with Adam Shostack's basic four-question framework; begin there, and you can't go wrong. This basic model allows any user to detect security deficiencies during the design phase of the process. 

1. What are we working on?
Building the diagram
2. What can go wrong?
Pinpoint the threats
3. What are we going to do about it?
Mitigating the threats
4. Did we do a good job?
Validating the design and reporting the process

As the SDLC has become more agile we are increasingly seeing companies think about security not just as an add-on at the end but as part of the function by embracing threat modeling. However, architects, developers and security teams still have a knowledge gap around threat modeling that needs to be addressed, which is partly due to the tools in the market being so expensive that it makes threat modeling “exclusive” to those who can afford it.

‍IriusRisk's Community Edition addresses this challenge by providing a free and valuable resource for all, effectively democratizing threat modeling so that anyone working in the SDLC - not just a few specialists  - can understand the implications of secure design work in accelerating the development and time to deployment.

Daniel Cuthbert , Head of CyberSecurity Research, Banco Santander

Get immediate access.

We have published the first of its kind, ML/AI Security Library, so that our clients can use it to effectively threat model the security of their AI or ML systems and applications.

We are passionate about secure design, and we believe in our product so much that the Library is available in both our free-forever version; Community Edition, and our Enterprise Threat Modeling Tool. You will see currently 12 specific components in this collection. Get access to Community Edition, for free, now.

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