ClearBank moves from manual diagramming, to automated threat modeling across its DevSec Teams.

Digital Transformation Journey

ClearBank was founded in 2015 as the first new UK clearing bank
in 250 years, offering direct connectivity into the UK's payment infrastructure. It has more than 200 financial institiutions on the platform - from fintechs and credit unions to digital asset platforms.

As an innovative technology provider, it needed to scale. And with its then manual threat modeling process, a new solution was required to keep up with its exponential growth.

The outcomes...

Collaboration across security and development teams
By adopting IriusRisk, ClearBank achieved increased time-saving for other crucial activities
Security is now included across the whole organization

“I think that transition has been quite seamless. In terms of adoption, having it cloud based gives the ability for anyone to access it, whether their role is a developer, product owner or a risk manager. I think people find the automation part really valuable. We can re-prioritise that time we would usually spend with the team into continuous improvement tasks which helps the business move forward while creating autonomy.”

Tom Ling

Team Lead, ClearBank